Sunday, December 27, 2009

Using the Internet in Italy. UGH

Today in Livorno we went to the local sim card store hoping to solve my internet accesss problem. It seemed that the Wind rechargeable was the best way to go. It amounts to 15 centesimi per hour, but limited to 100 hours per month. My head was spinning by the time I left. Sadly I am limited, there is no unlimited Sprint usb access as there is in the states.
So I adapt. Or will attempt to. Each time I am in Europe I am reminded of thrift and economy. So I opted for the less expensive plan, and am inspired to live with 100 hours of internet per month. Time to really put outlook and onenote to use. I kind of like it. It inspires me, I kind of feel more honest. As I do when it gets cold, because really, do we need to live in spring indoors when it is blustery and cold outside?
I have been trying to send a few documents for the past two weeks via the internet so I though I would be able to tonight.

After 2 hours of trying this and trying that, Pino who works at the hotel figured out that my sim card was not activated.

Oiy. Tomorrow Back  to the guy again.

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1 comment:

Gil said...

How is the store coming along? I thought that you were in Sicily and not Tuscany? SIM cards drive me crazy!!!