Saturday, January 10, 2009

We've arrived! thoughts on adjusting to new cultures.

Well the move is partially complete. We are in the north of Italy staying with the Sicilian's family.

Challenges left to tackle are:

1. Residency completion - so that when we do ship over my remaining worldly goods, I am not faced with a surprisingly ridiculous customs bill.

Once when I sent some photos to Sicily, and intelligently claimed them to be worth $100 (in case UPS lost them, I would get some $ back) my husband was slammed with $50 worth of customs. oiy. This is a common occurrence I have learned.

Better safe than sorry regarding the duogana.

2. Arrange for shipping.

3. Find a terrific, profitable, fulfilling business to buy. (we are looking now)

4. Settle in and set up home.

A short list with a lot of aspects.

It's been a while since I have posted, for two reasons really. So much of what has gone on since last July is just life, nothing particularly pertaining to my becoming a Siciliana. And since we are not planning on settling in Sicily, I wonder if the title of this blog is all that appropriate.

However, I have come to believe that Siciliana in Training is really the story of my becoming a wife. In my previous relationships, I have pretty much aimed at the old 50-50 scenario. In theory a great, emancipated idea, right? Well, I am here to report that it has not been so great.

The relationship that brought me to Italy, rather catapulted me to Italy was little less than my having a pet. And not a pet who came home very often.

One day I woke from a dream with a bolt. I heard voices shouting in my head, "GO TO SICILY!! NOW!". I will never forget this and it was I believe an important moment in my spirituality. Sicily in particular, and the Sicilian even more so, have been an amazing education in trusting my intuition and following my heart.

To all my concerned friends and family, I am still a college graduate, I still have my IQ intact. I am still a Feminist. This is a choice, and one I still believe is the right one for me. I am learning to be in partnership, and appropriately I follow when it is best, and offer counsel when appropriate. Again, when my heart tells me.

So if becoming a Siciliana is really just my learning to accept the ways of a different culture, and if that culture is both Sicilian and Marital, so be it.

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All rights reserved.

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